Wednesday 26 October 2016


Planting Native Trees for a Sustainable Future in Guam

Energy Conservation: Shading keeps your buildings cooler and reduces your energy needs for air condition.

Habitat for Fauna: By planting native trees, every patch of habitat becomes part of a high biodiverse landscape that nurtures and sustain a home for Guam's native fauna.

Air Purification: Trees remove harmful particles from the air. Trees help battle climate change by absorbing and converting atmospheric carbon to solid form.

Community: People feel more peaceful surrounded by trees and are more likely to be physically active.

Beautiful surroundings: Trees have an intrinsic and aesthetic value.

Reduced Run-off: Trees intercept stormwater by absorbing and dispersing water, and therefore mitigates the threat of flooding.

Increased Property Values: Homes, goods, and services sell for more in communities with trees.

Soil Stabilization: Trees will reduce erosion by binding the soil to the sloping land with their roots. As a bonus trees with increase soil fertility, beneficial for other plants.


Learned more about trees, their functions, cultural uses!

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