Sunday 9 October 2016


In one of my classes,  I have 98% and above on about 85% of my work not including the 90% I got on one quiz and a 92% I got on one assignment. However, the two "assessments" that my professor gaves us I failed. I understood why I failed the first "assessment" because I really put no effort into it, but this next assessment was a 100 question test and I failed. I'm so torn because I really studied for it and I failed. She already said only one person in her last semester got an A, so I made sure to prepare myself as best I could.. but this semester only one person got a C and everyone else failed. It just makes no sense to me, she wants us to retake it but, I really don't feel like it'll make any difference. I will still fail the test, it was tough. It makes no sense to me that a professor who sees how poorly her students do semester after semester will continue to give the same test. HAVE YOU LEARNED ANYTHING?

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. As teachers we always need to assess our own teaching and see what needs to be changed. If all or most students are not passing, we're doing something wrong. :)
